Heathmont, VIC
0411 691 888

Resistance band

Time: 20 minutes

Instructions: Choose a mix of three lower- and upper-body exercises and two core moves from the list below. Perform each for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and immediately continue on to the next. After you’ve finished all five movements, rest for one minute, then repeat twice more for three total rounds.

1. Lower Body: Banded Abduction

How to: Start lying on left side with left forearm on the floor (elbow under shoulder), legs bent at 90 degrees with right on top of left so feet, knees, and hips are all in line, and a booty band looped around lower thighs. Keep torso still and hips steady, then engage right glute to lift bent right leg straight up toward ceiling. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

2.  Lower Body: Banded Bridge

How to: Loop a booty band around lower thighs and start lying on back with arms straight and on the mat, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor close enough to butt for fingertips to graze heels. Engage core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to raise hips toward ceiling. Hold top position for a second, then lower back to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 and move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

3. Lower Body: Banded Donkey Kick.

How to: Start on all fours with a looped band wrapped around flexed feet. Keeping shoulders and hips square and left knee and foot planted, press up and back through right foot to kick leg up until fully extended and parallel with floor. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

4. Lower Body: Banded Hamstring Curl

How to: Get on all fours with flexed feet and a booty band looped around left ankle and arch of right foot. Keep shoulders and hips square and extend right leg up and back until straight and parallel with floor without moving left leg. This is your starting position. From here, keep right foot flexed and bend at knee to curl foot in toward glutes. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

5.  Lower Body: Banded Lateral Walk

How to: Start standing with a mini resistance band looped around shins and feet under hips. Keep knees slightly bent and core tight, then step right foot out to the right side, followed by left. Take a second step to the right with both feet, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

6. Upper Body: Banded Lateral Press

How to: Get into a half-kneeling position with left foot forward, foot flat on the floor, and leg bent at 90 degrees. Loop a booty band around hands behind back, keep elbows pinned to sides, and bend arms to bring hands up and wide outside of shoulders with palms facing out. This is your starting position. Keep right hand still while pressing left hand straight out to the side until fully extended. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

7.  Upper Body: Banded Lateral Raise

How to: Get in a half-kneeling position. Loop a mini band around right ankle, hold the opposite end in left hand, allowing left arm to hang long at side, and place right hand on right hip. This is your starting position. Keep rest of body still and lift straight left arm up and out to side until it’s parallel with floor. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

8. Upper Body: Banded Triceps Kickback

How to: Start on all fours with a booty band wrapped around hands, shoulders stacked over wrists, back flat, knees bent, and feet flexed. Without letting go of the band, pull right elbow up toward ceiling until upper arm is parallel with floor. This is your starting position. From here, extended right arm to straight. Squeeze triceps for a second, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

9. Upper Body: Banded Wide Curl

How to: Get in a half-kneeling position. Loop a mini band around right ankle, hold the opposite end in left hand, allowing left arm to hang long at side, palm facing up, and place right hand on right hip. This is your starting position. Keep rest of body still, then bend at left elbow to curl left hand out wide and up to shoulder height. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

10. Upper Body: Banded High Pull

How to: Get in a half-kneeling position. Loop a mini band around arch of left foot, hold the opposite end in right hand, arm extended to straight in front of body, and place left hand on left hip. This is your starting position. Bend right elbow to pull it up and back until upper arm extends straight out to the side, parallel with floor, and elbow is in line with shoulder. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side, then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

11. Core: Banded Bear Row

How to: Loop booty band around hands and start on all fours with knees lifted a few inches off of the floor so that hips are in line with shoulders. Keep core tight and hips and shoulders squared to the floor, bend at right wrist to pull right elbow up toward ceiling keeping arm close to body. Reverse the movement and return to start. Then, repeat with other hand. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.

12. Core: Banded Bicycles

How to: Loop a booty band around arches of both feet and then lie flat on back with legs in air, right bent at 90 degrees and left extended at 45-degree angle. Bring both hands behind ears, elbows wide, and rotate torso to right side so that left elbow touches right knee. This is your starting position. Keeping lower back pressed into floor, while switching hand and leg positions so that torso rotates to left side and right elbow and left knee come to touch. Return to starting position. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 and move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat twice more.

13. Core: Banded Knee-to-Elbow Extension

How to: Loop a booty band around the arches of both feet and lie on back with legs in the air and bent at 90 degrees, arms bent at 90 degrees, and elbows touching knees over stomach (head and shoulders curled up off of the floor). This is your starting position. From here, keep left elbow and left knee together while extending right arm straight back overhead and right leg out until straight at a 45-degree angle. Reverse the movement to return to starting position, then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing three to five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat twice more.

14. Core: Banded Lateral Plank Walk

How to: Start in plank position with a mini band looped around hands, shoulders stacked over wrists, core right, and feet together. Keep hips level and simultaneously move right hand in towards left, while stepping left foot out wide to left side. Then, step left hand out to the left and right foot in to meet left. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 and move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat twice more.

15. Core: Banded Offset Leg Lowers

How to: Loop a booty band around ankles and lie on floor with arms at sides, hands under butt, with palms facing down, and legs extended straight up toward ceiling so left heel is over hips and right leg is lowered slightly closer to the floor to create tension in band. Keep back pressed into the mat, then lower both legs (without changing distance between them or letting booty band go slack) until right foot hovers just a few inches off floor. Reverses the movement to return to starting position. That’s one rep. Continue for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Repeat on the other side (i.e. flip leg position), then move on to your next exercise (you’re doing five total). Once you’ve completed all of your movements, rest for one minute, then repeat for a total of three rounds.