Heathmont, VIC
0411 691 888

Representative Player Medical information

Please complete this medical form for your Representative Player.

First Aid and Medical Assistance
If there is a situation or incident which requires first aid to be administered to a player, MENA will administer first aid that is reasonably necessary and appropriate to their level of training.  MENA will also seek emergency medical attention for a player if it is reasonably necessary. If a player needs medical attention during the camp or excursion, MENA will contact their parent/carer as soon as practically possible. Parents/carers are responsible for all medical costs if a student becomes ill or injured.

Privacy Statement
The personal and health information collected in this form, and further information will be managed securely and accessed only by staff and volunteers, on a need-to-know basis.  In a medical emergency, information will be provided, as required, to emergency services and medical practitioners.