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Netball Rules

Netball is a fast-paced sport that can appear complicated to a complete beginner, but once you’ve got to grip with the rules, the game will become easy to follow. Here’s some of the rules of netball to help you understand the game better.


If a player moves into a part of the court they are not allowed into they are called offside and a free pass given to the opposing team.

Netball keeps each member of the team inside their designated playing positions, as per the position on their bib.

Being outside your court offside zone, with or without the ball, results in offside. The opposing team wins a free pass taken inside the same area.

The netball offside rule allows players to take the ball from an offside area. But, only if nobody part contacts the ground in the offside zone.

Two opposing players may both go offside in netball without penalization, providing neither of them handle the ball.

You can move out of court at any time but only if you do not have contact with the ball. A player must first make contact inside the playing area before attempting to touch the ball when moving back into court.


A player must not break at the centre pass, which is moving into the Centre third before the whistle is blown for the Centre pass.


View the Netball rule book at INF-RulesofNetball2020.pdf