Spring 2024
Information below for our 2024 Spring Club Competition Finals & Round Robin
Dates for your Calendar
Friday 9 & U NetSetGo :
- Round 16 – 29 Nov
- Round Robin – 6 Dec
Saturday Finals:
- 30 Nov – Semi Final
- 7 Dec – Grand Final

Finals Scoresheet for Saturday Finals
The process for scoresheets for finals is always different than normal season. Please ensure this information is shared with all teams in the semi-finals as there may be new Coaches/Managers who have not been involved with the process in previous seasons.
The process for scoresheets during finals is as follows:
• Only eligible players will be shown on the scoresheets i.e. players who have played 4 games or more. They can only play in one team in the finals.
• Scoreboards will be put out on the table for Coaches/Team Managers to check at least 30 mins prior to game time to ensure the team is correct
• If your team has a player who does not appear on the scoresheet you must talk to the competition coordinators who will check their eligibility manually.
>>>>>>>>>This can take some time which is why we ask you to check who is eligible to play on NetballConnect with your club now rather than on Saturday.
• Once checked the scoreboard should be handed back to the competition coordinator.
• Umpires will bring scoreboards out to the courts.
• Both teams to provide a scorer.
• Winning team to return scoresheet to office at completion of game.
2024 Spring 9 & Under NetSetGo Round Robin
All 9 & Under NetSetGo teams will take part in a Round Robin on Friday 6 December.
View the:
Round Robin Information Guide
- Each team is to supply an umpire. All umpires to sign on before the first game. All umpires to attend a briefing at 4.10pm.
- All teams and umpires must be at the courts for a 4.20pm start.
- There are no scoresheets for the matches.
- Each team will play 4 games consisting of 2 x 6-minute There is no half time break. Teams will swap ends; team members and positions can be changed. There is a 2-minute changeover time between games.
- After the game, teams should move off the court for the following game to commence on time.
- After the last round, at 6:30pm, a presentation will be held for all players on Court 1. Please make sure that your team makes their way to Court 1 promptly, so that the presentations can start on time.
- Everyone must leave courts by 6:50pm sharp as there is an external booking for Maroondah Nets.
- All players will receive a participation certificate and medal.
- The Courtside Café will be open during the round robin, to help with all your coffee and snack needs.
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