News – 18 May 2021
Deferred Games
The games that were not played due to the damage on court 6 have been scheduled to now be played on Friday, 28th May. The games are listed on the fixture under Round 5 and are as follows:
- 5.10pm court 6 11U Sec 5 Our Ladies Pink v Ringwood Nth Orange
- 5.55pm court 5 11U Sec 3 Park Orchards Mint v Trinity White
- 5.55pm court 6 13U Sec 6 HFNC Jets White v Mullum White
- 5.55pm court 7 13U Sec 4 Heathmont United White v Park Orchards Teal
- 5.55pm court 8 13U Sec 1 Holy Spirit Red v Heathmont United Blue
Please ensure that the effected teams plus your umpire coordinators are aware of these extra games.
NetSetGo Re-grade and Round Robin
The re-grade has been completed and the updated fixture is now available via our website. The NetSetGo Round Robin will take place on Friday, 18th June. There will be a lot of new families involved in NetSetGo this year so please let them know about this fun event that winds up the NetSetGo season. The teams will be here from 4.30pm – 6.30pm and will all play 4 short games each and be presented with a participation certificate and a medal at the completion. More details will be available about the Round Robin in coming weeks.
Security of Personal Items
Please let players and teams know to be mindful of where they are putting their personal items when games are being played – particularly in the older age groups when there are fewer parents/spectators around to mind the gear. It has been noted that players are often leaving phones and other valuable items on seats or courtside and clearly visible while they are playing. We are in a public setting where anybody can come and go which unfortunately means there might be somebody around not necessarily doing the right thing. Nothing has happened but we want to avoid anything happening in the future. If there is nobody you can get to mind personal items please ensure they are put securely in a bag and the bag left near the scorers or another spectator.
Nail Clippers
Due to covid restrictions, the competition office does not have nail clippers/scissors available for players to use. Players need to either carry their own or get themselves organised before they come down to netball. We also do not provide tape for nails to be taped – again players need their own or get organised at home. Coaches could have both available but they must also have wipes to sanitise clippers/scissors after each use. Full rolls of tape can be purchased from the café if required.
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