News – 14th May 2021
Unfortunately, it looks like the winter weather will be visiting us at netball with low temperatures and rain predicted. Just a couple of things to note:
- During Autumn 2021 we will not be playing half games inside due to Adverse Weather Conditions. Where safe to do so games will continue outside or if unsafe will be cancelled. We will monitor this to ensure teams/sections are not being unfairly impacted. Our main aim is to get players onto the court. Always assume you are playing. We will assess the weather and court conditions on a timeslot-by-timeslot basis.
- Netball is traditionally an outdoor/all-weather sport and our preference is not to cancel games. Player/umpire safety is paramount. Our outdoor court surface is Synpave, a flexible gripping surface that reduces the risk of slipping therefore games will not be rescheduled simply because it is raining.
Cold Weather
If at the start of a match the air temperature is below 10 degrees, according to the temperature gauge at the venue, then player and match official uniform may be varied. The following change to a player’s and match officials’ uniforms is allowed for the duration of the match:
- Players can wear BLACK-only tights/leggings/skins under their standard uniform.
- A player’s skirt or shorts must still be worn over the tights/leggings/skins.
- No other types of long pants can be worn, including tracksuit pants or pants with pockets this is a safety requirement.
- Umpires are to enforce the cold weather uniform rules as per the standard uniform rules.
- Umpires can wear black or white tights/leggings/skins/tracksuit pants
Please remember to rug up, stay warm & come prepared.
On and Off the court conduct
Whilst at the courts remember that we are there to have FUN and share our love for the sport. Let’s work together and keep our courts a safe and fun environment for all participants (players, coaches, supporters, and umpires)
A few tips:
- Players generally enjoy the game more if they are not being yelled at from the side of the court
- Sometimes yelling out even positive things can just be heard as yelling (often difficult to tell if positive or negative)
- Let the coaches coach
- The umpires are doing their best and are often juniors – imagine it could be your child.
- It is never ok to make negative comments about or to, players on the opposing team.
- Show respect to the opposition, teammates, coaches, and umpires.
- If you don’t have something positive to say it is better to say nothing.
Please read the Netball Victoria Codes of Conduct – Code of Conduct – Netball VIC
NetSetGo Regrade
The regrade for NetSetGo will take place following tonight’s games. The updated fixture will be available on our website by Tuesday at the latest.
Finals Qualification
A reminder of the requirements for eligibility to play in finals. It is available in the Competition Rules (https://menanetball.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MENACompetitionRulesSaturdayFeb2020.pdf) and is as follows:
- In order to qualify to play finals:
– a player must have played four (4) regular-season games for the team they will be playing for in the finals.
– a player must be a fully paid financial member of the club
Semi and Grand Finals Times
The fixture has now been updated with the game times for Semi and Grand finals.
Good luck with your games and hopefully the rain stays away!
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