Heathmont, VIC
0411 691 888

What Age Group can I play in

What age group can I play in

There are MENA ByLaws (outlined below) that govern this. MENA By Laws state:

5.1 Saturday Competition
5.1.1 The age groups of the competitions shall be drawn from 9 & Under; 11 & Under; 13 & Under; 15 & Under; 17 & Under and Open
5.1.2 Competitions will only run as deemed appropriate by MENA.
5.1.3 The age shall be determined as at the 31st December of the playing year
5.1.4 Players may only play one (1) age group above their age
5.1.5 To be eligible for the Open Section, players must be 15 years of age before the 31st December of the year playing
5.1.6 If a player turning 14 years of age before the 31st December of the year is temporarily required to fill in for an Open team an exception may be requested from the Competition Convenor on the day. Permanent exceptions must be requested in writing and will be determine by MENA Executive.
5.1.7 Exceptions may be requested according to competition rules
5.1.8 In special circumstances players may be allowed to play in age sections below their age. These exceptions must be requested in writing and will be assessed by MENA Executive.


5.2 Other Competition
5.2.1 The Competition shall be Open age
5.2.2 Players must be 15 years of age before the 31st December of the year playing