2023 Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the members of the Melbourne East Netball Association Inc. (MENA) of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023, 7.30pm
Maroondah Nets Function Room, HE Parket 154 Heathmont Road, Heathmont
Click here to view the Board /Committee Nomination form
1. Welcome
2. Present / Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
4. President’s Report
5. Financial Report
6. Appointment of Auditor
7. Representative Program Convenor Report
8. Umpire Report
9. New Constitution
- Election of Office Bearers and Ordinary Members
- General Business
– any items for General Business to be received by Monday, 15 May 2023
2023 Melbourne East Netball Association (MENA) Board Positions
Please consider nominating for the MENA Board or suggesting someone within your netball clubs consider the opportunity. Please think vast and wide. This is a great opportunity to give back to the MENA community and without volunteers, the Board isn’t able to function. The time commitment isn’t huge and the more people we have spreads the workload. I am more than happy to have a chat with anyone that might be interested.
In line with our current Constitution, we require 9 Board Members. At the 2022 AGM, we had 4 Board positions filled and we have been able to appoint 3 additional board members during the year in accordance with s. 19.4 of the Constitution. In accordance with our constitution the Vice President and Treasurer positions are not up for re-election this year which means we have the following vacancies:
- President
- Secretary
- and 5 general board positions.
Our President, Secretary and 3 General Board Positions are able to re-nominate and we expect them to do so. Please don’t assume someone else will do it. If you are interested at all please reach out to have a conversation.
Click here to view the Board /Committee Nomination form
If you require any further information or have any queries, please contact us at admin@menanetball.com.au.
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